Whether you live in a thriving metropolis or a small town by the sea, your home’s balcony, particularly if you reside in a multi-unit building, is your private access point to the outside world. Keeping it clean, inviting, and in good repair should be top of mind so that you can easily enjoy it with a simple upkeep plan. One of the first things to avoid is using your balcony as a storage space as they have not been designed to carry unreasonable excess weight, plus it’s not a good look from the outside of the building. Avoid excessive planters and pots on the balcony surface which can lead to a cluttered and unsafe space. Planters or pots should be relatively small, placed away from the outer edge and exterior walls, and be free-draining into drainage pans. Avoid the installation of large mats or carpets over the balcony walking surface as these can inhibit proper drainage and retain moisture. Take care not to damage the balcony membrane and ensure that furniture and any other items have smooth footings that won’t cause tears. Snow, leaves, and other debris build-up should be removed regularly with a broom or plastic (not metal) shovel. Any permanent stains, holes, or other damage to the membrane should be brought to the attention of the Property Manager for a timely repair. Many of us spend the vast majority of our days inside, so when we get the opportunity to sit under the stars or watch the sun rise, we’ll appreciate a balcony that is a both well-maintained and pleasing to the eye!