Very often when you move into a new space you scan the rooms for electrical outlets while you casually flip wall switches on and off. At times this causes a little confusion as there is always one switch that seems to turn on nothing! You will also hear a fan start up when you flip certain switches, but it is surprising how many people don’t return to these same switches and regularly use their home’s exhaust fans. These strategically located devices are exactly where they are needed most based on the typical activities carried out in these rooms, so you will normally find them in bathrooms, kitchens, laundry rooms, and anywhere else where moisture is produced. Exhaust fans remove that moisture and carry it through the ductwork system where it will then exit through a vent to the exterior world. Fans are crucial for ventilation as they prevent mold and mildew growth, direct odours and pollutants from interior spaces, and manage air quality.
In newer buildings, exhaust fans are equipped with sensors which offer even greater efficiency by automatically detecting changes in a room’s humidity or air quality. They activate only when needed, optimizing ventilation as well as energy consumption since they won’t be left on all day by accident as often happens with older models operating via a wall switch. Ongoing updates to provincial regulations now require specific types of ventilation as mandatory within a new build, and as knowledge and technology increase, we will see more updates that will further enhance the comfort and overall health of your living space.
Photo by Chris Lutke on Unsplash