BC Building Science teamed up with the Residences for Independent Living Society to replace the deck at their False Creek Residence.
Read MoreThe Centra Cares annual golf tournament was another big success this year, raising funds for the Langley Memorial Hospital Foundation and Wagner Hills Farm Society.
The BC Building Science team had a great time as usual – both on the course and running a ‘Beach Ball Water Gun Race’ at the hole we sponsored.
Read MoreAnother successful company camping trip to Cultus Lake. Campfires, waterslides, sun tanning, swimming, games and good times. BC Building Science’s annual camping trip is all about team bonding, relaxing and having fun together. Every year our team grows and we add more tents to our campsite.
Read MoreBC Building Science continued its annual tradition of volunteering at the Vancouver Food Bank. We are glad to take some time out of our day to help out our community.
Read MoreAndrew Creighton speaking about the Park Lane project. He breaks down the transformation Park Lane residents are experiencing.
Read MoreBCBS has taken part in the 7th International Conference and Exhibition on Clean Energy (ICCE 2018) at Laval University, Quebec City, Canada
Our research paper was presented by Dr. Farshid Bagheri in the conference, and published by the International Academy of Energy, Minerals & Materials in the proceeding of ICCE 2018. Access to our paper at: Bagheri – ICCE 2018 Proceedings
Our research paper studied energy use indicators of Canada’s First Non-Residential Passive House with Daycare Usage.
Read MoreOur recent hire, Abbas Rangwala, was awarded the BC Building Envelope Council Education Foundation Award for excelling in the Masters in Building Science Program at BCIT, by BCBEC Treasurer Nichole Brackett
Read MoreCongratulations to Farshid of BC Building Science! Farshid won a Pecha-Kucha Presentation Award at International Building Performance Simulation Association-BC for his presentation on “The Wonderful World of Energy Modelling”.
Read MoreAt the end of November, Andrew Creighton of BC Building Science became an honourary Centra Cares member when he joined a team of 14 to help build a classroom in the remote mountain village of Marbial, Haiti. Check out the Centra Cares blog to read Andrew’s take on the trip.
Read MoreBC Building Science is proud to announce that the Okanagan College Daycare became the first Passive Certified Institutional Building in Canada on Monday. Preliminary certification was awarded at the Passive House ‘Net Positive Symposium’ held in Vancouver.
Read MoreBC Building Science seeks an Office Administrator to join our successful team.
BC Building Science seeks a Junior to Intermediate Mechanical Engineer or Technologist to join our successful team.
BC Building Science seeks a Testing Technician to join our successful team.
BC Building Science seeks a Building Envelope Consultant- EIT to join our successful team.
BC Building Science seeks an experienced Technologist or Engineer to join our successful team and lead our new office in Kelowna.
BC Building Science seeks a Building Envelope Consultant to join our successful team in Victoria – Vancouver Island.
BC Building Science seeks a Building Envelope Consultant to join our successful team as a contractor based in Seattle or Los Angeles.